Education Center

Hudson Regional Hospital offers an array of professional training and education services for Healthcare Professionals and the general public. We are an American Heart Association Accredited Training Center.

Our Course List includes:

  • CPR
  • EMT-B program
  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support
  • ECG/Pharmacology
  • IV/IO Lab
  • NIH Stroke Scale
  • Stop The Bleed
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Training & Education for the General Public

American Heart Association-certified CPR Education

Hudson Regional Hospital offers courses for both healthcare professionals and the public. We offer on-location-education programs, or we can bring all the services we offer in the classroom, to you. HRH will come to your workplace, school, community center, factory, just about anywhere conducive to educational needs.

Community Programs

Stop The Bleed

This program offers seminars that detail the most effective ways to handle wound care.

Family & Friends CPR

HRH offers adult/child CPR, adult/child choking, and infant CPR and choking courses.

Family & Friends First Aid for Children

The program teaches how to manage illness and injuries in a child for the first few minutes until professional help arrives. It covers such topics as preventing injuries, recognizing and treating basic first aid emergencies and the relief of the choking infant.

Heartsaver - CPR in Schools

This course covers adult/child AED, infant CPR and choking, adult/child CPR with a mask, and infant CPR with a mask.

Training & Education for Healthcare Professionals

Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers

The course is video-based with instructor-led discussions. This course is perfect for learners who prefer group interaction and real-time feedback while learning the skills. Some of the topics covered are adult/pediatric CPR, foreign-body airway obstruction, and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) with CPR.

Heartsaver - CPR

This course covers adult/child CPR, adult/child choking, infant CPR and choking, adult/child CPR with a mask, and infant CPR with a mask.

Heartsaver - AED

This course covers adult/child CPR with a mask, adult/child choking, adult/child AED, infant CPR with a mask, and infant choking.

Heartsaver - First Aid

This course covers the general principles, medical emergencies and injuries of adult first aid.

Heartsaver - Pediatric First Aid

This course covers first aid basics, medical emergencies, injury emergencies, environmental emergencies, Asthma care training, adult/child CPR with mask, and adult/child AED.

Continuing Education Courses for EMT-B/First Responders:



Epi-Pen inservice

NARCAN Training for First Responders


Defensive Driving

Paramedic Assistant

Diabetic Emergencies

Geriatric Emergencies

Hazmat Awareness

Hazmat Operations

PEPP (Pediatric Education for Pre-Hospital Professionals)

Advanced Bandaging and Splinting

Burns Identification and Treatment

Cardiac Emergencies

Complications During Child Birth

DNR + DNH Death and Dying

Domestic Violence Child and Elder Abuse

EMS Documentation

EMS Jeopardy

EMS and the Crime Scene

Fire Scene Safety and Rehab

Gang Awareness

Haz-com (RTK) Right to Know

Incident Command System (IS700 / NIMS)

Intro to Patients with Disabilities


Respiratory Emergencies

Rx Meds - Clues in the Patient Assessment

Sexual Harassment

Street Drugs Stress Management

Summer Emergencies

Winter Emergencies

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    Secaucus, NJ 07094



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Secaucus, NJ 07094



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