Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers
The course is video-based with instructor-led discussions. This course is perfect for learners who prefer group interaction and real-time feedback while learning the skills. Some of the topics covered are adult/pediatric CPR, foreign-body airway obstruction, and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) with CPR.
Heartsaver - CPR
This course covers adult/child CPR, adult/child choking, infant CPR and choking, adult/child CPR with a mask, and infant CPR with a mask.
Heartsaver - AED
This course covers adult/child CPR with a mask, adult/child choking, adult/child AED, infant CPR with a mask, and infant choking.
Heartsaver - First Aid
This course covers the general principles, medical emergencies and injuries of adult first aid.
Heartsaver - Pediatric First Aid
This course covers first aid basics, medical emergencies, injury emergencies, environmental emergencies, Asthma care training, adult/child CPR with mask, and adult/child AED.
Continuing Education Courses for EMT-B/First Responders:
Epi-Pen inservice
NARCAN Training for First Responders
Defensive Driving
Paramedic Assistant
Diabetic Emergencies
Geriatric Emergencies
Hazmat Awareness
Hazmat Operations
PEPP (Pediatric Education for Pre-Hospital Professionals)
Advanced Bandaging and Splinting
Burns Identification and Treatment
Cardiac Emergencies
Complications During Child Birth
DNR + DNH Death and Dying
Domestic Violence Child and Elder Abuse
EMS Documentation
EMS Jeopardy
EMS and the Crime Scene
Fire Scene Safety and Rehab
Gang Awareness
Haz-com (RTK) Right to Know
Incident Command System (IS700 / NIMS)
Intro to Patients with Disabilities
Respiratory Emergencies
Rx Meds - Clues in the Patient Assessment
Sexual Harassment
Street Drugs Stress Management
Summer Emergencies
Winter Emergencies